Thursday, April 26, 2012

WPH Project Team Notes: April 4th Mtg

                                 MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2012,  6:00PM

Dan Hughes, Project Manager - DVC Group
Ted Rose, WPH
Scott Hochstrasser, WPH
Bob Hayes, architect-Gates Co-op
Laurel Polarek, A Dock
Bob Engman, A Dock
Pam Bousquet, Issaquah
Ric Miller, Issaquah
Tony Williams, Main
Suki Sennett, Main
David West, Liberty
Stan Barbarich, Liberty
Flo Hoylman, So. 40
Craig Merrilies, So. 40
Michael Sheats, So.40
Michael Labate, Gates Co-op
Lynn Berard, EAH

Affordability Agreement:  The last remaining item of the conditions of approval now has all the required signatures:  Waldo Point Harbor (WPH), Gates Co-op, and Ecumenical Association for Housing (EAH), which controls the funding for the Gates Coop part of the project.  County Counsel is reviewing it and it is expected to be approved and recorded with the county very soon. 
Project Permitting Status:
Landscaping: Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) wants every parcel to have an assessed parcel number but the assessor’s office is not going to assign these numbers now.   Dan will meet with MMWD next week to try to work this out.  WPH is resubmitting this information next week and is trying to get the county to issue the sea wall/sheet pile and grading permits in the meantime.
MMWD is now requiring irrigation plans to be included before the permit is issued.  The County now wants all of this done before the permit is issued.  (Per Dan:  this is different from the county’s position 1&1/2 yrs. ago.) 
The debris removal plan should be done soon.
General Contractor:   1 bid has come in, 2 applicants wanted more time, so those bids were due by 4/6.  The 1st bid was for So. 40 and the Railroad Property only.  Communication with Residents:  WPH  will send out a notice to all owners and residents informing them where to find updated information.  In addition, the information will be posted in plastic boxes on each dock.  Residents present said WPH should send a monthly update and schedule of the next phases of the project to every home owner and resident, so they know what to expect.  Dan said he is authorized only to hire a webmaster and to give him information to be posted, and to maintain a Facebook page and nothing more. We were told at the last meeting that the webmaster would be present this time but he was not.
Dock Houses:   Bob Hayes. The Co-op’s architect, said it won’t take long to finish the dock house plans; they will be built after the site work is finished.  So. Forty Design Review comments are incorporated in the final plan. Bob Hayes will email the plans to So. Forty and Liberty.  So. Forty and Liberty will need permits by Aug.
Temporary Mailbox Locations:   All mailboxes will have to be relocated during construction of the dock houses.  Dock reps will be consulted and Ted will coordinate with them and the post office about the temporary locations. 
Dumpsters for arks:  These will be placed across from the arks;  Ted has no idea yet where temporary dumpsters will be placed. 
Impact of Tree Removal on Residents:  In response to residents’ questions as to why all the trees had been cut down from the north end of the harbor if the work was going to start on the south end, Dan said that the original plan had been to start work on the north end, because that area was easier to do and the access was better.  The sheet wall contractor then decided it would be better to start on the south end because the removed soil could be used for fill on the north end. Nevertheless, the trees on the north end were cut down anyway, as the hope was that the entire seawall could be completed in one season. 
The A Dock representative reported that residents there are very angry because of the reduced quality of their lives, due to increased freeway noise and the fact that the area has the devastated appearance of a war zone for at least an extra year before work is to begin.  They feel their berth fees should be reduced accordingly.  
Parking:  3030 and 4000 Bridgeway will be investigated by WPH as alternate nighttime parking during construction. 
Residents requested that parking restrictions be enforced as some spaces are being used
to store extra or non-working vehicles.
Adjourned 7:15

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